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2016-11-18   来源:中国航贸网(
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  赫伯罗特航运宣布,自2016年12月1日起,由北欧和地中海至东亚航线所有货物上调综合货运费率FAK(Freight All Kinds),具体如下:

  Valid for sailings commencing on December 1, 2016 onwards and until further notice, Hapag-Lloyd’s FAK rate from North Continent will be:

  To East Asia Base Ports: USD 675 per 20’GP and USD 675 per 40’GP / 40’HC

  To Japan Base Ports: USD 750 per 20’GP and USD 825 per 40’GP / 40’HC

  These base rates are subject to the following surcharges:

  Bunker related charges (please click here) – included (except LSF)

  Security related charges (please click here) – included

  Origin Terminal Handling charges (please click here) – included

  Destination Terminal Handling charges (please click here) – applies

  Peak Season Surcharge (please click here) – not applicable

  Hapag-Lloyd will make a further price announcement before any such surcharge becomes effective.

  Local charges and contingency charges may apply.

  Valid for sailings commencing on December 1, 2016 onwards and until further notice, Hapag-Lloyd’s FAK rate from West Mediterranean base ports, subject to applicable surcharges will be:

  To East Asia Base Ports: USD 300 per 20’GP and USD 300 per 40’GP / 40’HC

  These base rates are subject to the following surcharges:

  Bunker related charges (please click here) – included

  Security related charges (please click here) – included (except TSO/TSD)

  Terminal Handling charges (please click here) – applies

  Peak Season Surcharge (please click here) – not applicable

  Hapag-Lloyd will make a further price announcement before any such surcharge becomes effective.

  Local charges and contingency charges may apply.

  Valid for sailings commencing on December 1, 2016 onwards and until further notice, Hapag-Lloyd’s FAK rate from East Mediterranean, Black Sea and North Africa base ports, subject to applicable surcharges will be:

  To East Asia Base Ports: USD 600 per 20’GP and USD 900 per 40’GP / 40’HC

  These base rates are subject to the following surcharges:

  Bunker related charges (please click here) – included

  Security related charges (please click here) – included (except TSO/TSD)

  Terminal Handling charges (please click here) – applies

  Peak Season Surcharge (please click here) – not applicable

  Hapag-Lloyd will make a further price announcement before any such surcharge becomes effective.

  Local charges and contingency charges may apply.

  All of the foregoing is applicable for all shipments from North Europe and Mediterranean to all East Asia destinations. Out ports will be subject to the prevailing transport additional in Europe and in Asia.

  North Europe comprises North West Continent, the U.K., Scandinavia, Baltic and European ports of Russia.

  Mediterranean comprises the West Mediterranean, East Mediterranean, Black Sea and North Africa.

  East Asia comprises Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China (PRC), Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei and Russian Pacific Ports of Vladivostok and Vostochny.





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[2016-01-26] 来源:中国航贸网( 




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