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Yangshan Delays Transpacific Lane Transfer from Waigaoqiao

¡¡¡¡Shanghai International Port Group is delaying the shift of some transpacific services from Waigaoquio to Yangshan until next year, over fears of losing more cargo to Ningbo, according to sources.
¡¡¡¡"The port operator first planned to move the Asia-ECNA services calling at Waigaoqiao to Yangshan in December. But they have now changed their mind and are pushing the mandatory shift to April next year," a shipping line executive from Shanghai said.
¡¡¡¡"They are worried about losing cargo to Ningbo."Another industry source confirmed that the shift had been postponed, and would not be carried out before Chinese New Year.It is believed that the port's original intention was to boost the volume at Yangshan Phase II, which is set to officially open on December 10, exactly one year on from Phase I.
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