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Snet is good possession of the most all-around maritime information, highly qualified services and authoritative data source as well as well-known domestic and oversea partners, an efficient managing team with first-class experts in transportation and IT elite.
Our tenet is to provide the shipping and trading fields with the practical, over-valued, all-around and prompt information services and e-logistics services.
We focus on all the corporations and enterprises in transportation and trading fields, providing them with strictly selected professional and reliable information and services, such as shipping and trading news, shipping market development, shipping and airfreight schedules, freight information, online freight deals, vessel charter party and trade news and special searcher on shipping and trading.......
State-owned Economy is to Possess Absolute Control over Shipping

¡¡¡¡On December 18,2006, for the first time, National Funds Committee of the State Council clearly stated seven major industries, including shipping industry, are to be controlled by state-owned economy.
¡¡¡¡On the same day, General Office of the State Council transmitted the document from National Funds Committee, which is titled Guidelines on Promoting State-Owned Capital Regulating and National Enterprises Reforming. As is lately arranged by the National Funds Committee, state-owned economy is to possess absolute control over essential industries and major areas that include military industry, electricity power, petrochemistry, telecommunications, coal industry, civil aviation and shipping respectively, all of which concern most the state safety and national economic lifelines.
¡¡¡¡As Li Rongrong, Director of National Funds Committee, explained there are currently more than 40 central enterprises in the above-mentioned major industries, who take up 75% of total assets, 82% of state-owned assets and 79% of profits among all similar enterprises.
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