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CSCL leads lay-ups as idle fleet hits 10% of world total

¡¡¡¡According to the latest numbers, the number of idle container ships recently has increased in the last two weeks to 10% of the total world fleet as more vessels were removed from active service and with most coming from withdrawals by China Shipping Container Line.
¡¡¡¡According to the AXS-Alphaliner Weekly Newsletter, a total of 520 ships are currently idle, representing 1.28 million TEU. This comes after around 55,000 TEU of surplus capacity was added to the carrier-operated idle capacity during the past two weeks, while only 5,800 TEU were added to the idle fleet of non-operating owners.
¡¡¡¡The bulk of the recent increase comes from CSCL, with a series of 5,600-TEU ships being taken out of service following revisions to the carrier’s Pacific and Far East-Middle East services. China Shipper has also announced it will exit the North Atlantic trade in September, a move that is expected to boost its idle fleet further.
¡¡¡¡The scrapping of older tonnage is also said to be continuing "unabated"with the total capacity scrapped so far this year reaching 235,000 TEU, a record level for vessel deletions.
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