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100 enterprises sign commitment of freight filing

¡¡¡¡July 31st, Shanghai, during the International Container Liner Freight Filing Conference, 100 domestic and foreign-fund shipping enterprises involving in Chinese market have signed the Letter of Commitment of freight filing. These enterprises have promised to provide transport services at normal and reasonable freight, not to attract cargo resources by zero or negative freight; not to adopt cutthroat competition such as dumping; not to charge out of the freight filing system, and etc.
¡¡¡¡According to Song Dexing, Director General,transport Adm Dept, MOT, to get engaged into any shipping services in China, a must is to fulfill the freight filing in line with regulations concerned. Thorough investigations will be persisted in on those enterprises failing in the filing.

¡¡¡¡Related News
¡¡¡¡July 31st , the opening ceremony for International Container Liner Freight Filing Center was held in Shanghai. Song Dexing and Sun Jianping, Director General of Shanghai Municipal Transport and Port Authority have jointly unveiled the center. The center is to supervise as well as serve the market, where Shanghai Shipping Exchange is on behalf of the MOT to perform the duties.

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