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ZIM Announces Upgraded Lines Structure

Newly designed network provides wide reach and optimized solutions

In order to improve its services and provide better solutions to market needs, ZIM is announcing a restructuring of its main services on major trades. The new, enhanced structure provides first-class services in the select trades the company is pursuing. The changes will commence in April 2017, offering customers an array of newly designed services catering to market needs, and providing efficient and viable solutions to customers¡¯ evolving needs.

Pacific Trade

ZIM is introducing a new service between Asia and the Pacific North West, a fast link with efficient gateway to numerous inland destinations in the USA and Canada. This service will replace the current North Pacific services as of April 2017
ZIM¡¯s All-Water service via the Panama Canal, the well-known ZCP service, between Asia and the US East Coast will be upgraded and will offer inland destination solutions to major locations through main ports in the US East Cost.
As stated previously, the all-water service via the Suez Canal, the premium Z7S - ZIM Seven Stars service, connecting  South China, South East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and the U.S East Coast, will resume full activity after the winter program, in April 2017
Asia ¨C East Mediterranean and Black Sea Trade
The present AME and EMX services connecting Asia and the Indian Subcontinent with the East Mediterranean and Black Sea, will be restructured to new services, maintaining ZIM¡¯s competitive advantages and keeping its position as one of the leading carriers on this trade.

Atlantic Trade

As recently announced, ZIM has enhanced its Atlantic network, adding a 4th string, with wider coverage including additional calls in Italy, France and Turkey, with improved Transit times to the U.S East Coast main ports.
Full details of the new structure and services will be published in the coming weeks.

The restructuring is part of ZIM¡¯s approach to focus on trades in which it has a strong position and competitive advantages, while utilizing its flexibility and creativity as an independent player to provide premium services and solutions to its customers.  

Rafi Danieli, ZIM¡¯s CEO: ¡°ZIM is offering a fresh and unique approach with many advantages to our customers. As independent and agile carrier, we have created a smart and efficient network offering stable and reliable services. ZIM is an important player in the trades it operates in; we maintain a flexible partnership approach with major carriers, and our new structure is a viable and beneficial alternative in the market.¡±


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