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Our tenet is to provide the shipping and trading fields with the practical, over-valued, all-around and prompt information services and e-logistics services.
We focus on all the corporations and enterprises in transportation and trading fields, providing them with strictly selected professional and reliable information and services, such as shipping and trading news, shipping market development, shipping and airfreight schedules, freight information, online freight deals, vessel charter party and trade news and special searcher on shipping and trading.......
Customer Advisory-Introducing new functions of ¡°Update of Hanjin Shipping receivership¡± on Yang Ming¡¯s website

To provide more comprehensive and easily accessible information about the status of Yang Ming¡¯s cargoes loaded on Hanjin operated vessels, Yang Ming has added new functions to its website which enables customers to keep track of the affected Hanjin Shipping vessels and further arrangements in respect of the incident.

The E-Commerce enhancement contains four functions as below:

1. Vessel Position: position of Hanjin operated vessels with Yang Ming cargoes loaded onbard.

2. Vessel Status: status and transshipment plans of Hanjin operated vessels with Yang Ming cargoes loaded onboard.

3. Substitutive Service: substitutive plans for the disrupted services.

4. Local Contact: contact information of local offices.

For detailed information please check Yang Ming¡¯s website, ¡°Update of Hanjin Shipping receivership¡± at : ,or contact Yang Ming¡¯s local sales representatives for further assistance.


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