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Maher Terminals Welcomes 10,000 TEUs ZIM ANTWERP

The historic Bayonne Bridge was raised to allow the arrival of larger ships following the expansion of the Panama Canal. ZIM is one of the leading carriers serving the Asia-East Coast trade.

10,000 TEUs ZIM ANTWERP passed under the elevated Bayonne Bridge in New York, the first of such size to call Maher terminals. Upon arrival, an official ceremony took place on board the ZIM ANTWERP with the participation of Port Authority of NY & NJ, Maher terminals and ZIM USA representatives headed by President George Goldman, to mark the historic passage. ZIM Antwerp¡¯s captain received a plaque commemorating the event.

ZIM ANTWERP arrived in New York after calling ports in China, crossing the new Panama Canal and calling the US ports of Savannah, Charleston and Norfolk. It will head next to Halifax before returning to Asia. The ZIM ANTWERP sails the ZIM Container Service Pacific (ZCP), one of ZIM's flagship lines, recently upgraded as part of the company's renewed network. It is part of ZIM¡¯s global strategy to operate as an independent company, focusing on trade routes where it has competitive advantages.

George Goldman, President of ZIM USA: "ZIM is a significant player in this trade and one of the leading carriers serving the Asia-East Coast trade, which is expected to continue to grow following the expansion of the Panama Canal. The trade is also served by another major ZIM service, the ZIM Seven Star Express (Z7S) along with additional complementary lines."

Maher terminals President & CEO, Mr. Gary Cross, said: ¡°ZIM Integrated Shipping Services has been a loyal container customer of Maher Terminals dating back to the opening of our first terminal in the early seventies.  Now, nearly fifty years later, we are privileged to share in this momentous occasion of the 10062 teu ZIM Antwerp calling in the Port of NY/NJ at our facility under the newly raised roadway of the Bayonne Bridge.  This event adds to the list of important milestones we share together in our long relationship.  We applaud ZIM for their continued success and look forward to handling many more of their mega-vessels at Maher Terminals for many more years to come.¡±

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